Welcome to my blog!
Here you'll learn about my struggle with weight (from both ends of the spectrum), how I overcame Hypothalmic amenorrhea (HA) and beat infertility, and how I healed my relationship with food and exercise.
My goal is to help educate and support you along YOUR journey to bettering your health. I want to motivate and encourage you to take charge and ask questions and show you that recovery IS possible!!The road to where you want to get to can be long, messy and far from linear but I promise you that it is all worth it! My road to recovery was full of ups and downs but in that time, I learned so much about myself and what I am capable of.
I believe that finding balance in anything that you do is SO important. The reason I got into all of the messes above was because of my lack of balance in multiple areas of my life. I'm very type A so what ever I do I like to do it perfectly and push myself in the process....spoiler alert--> you'll end up burnt out.
I can finally say that I have reached a place where I feel so much better in my body. I no longer think about food all day. If I don't get to the gym it is not the end of the world. I can enjoy treats at family get togethers and most of all I am so much more present in my life! While recovering, I had to let so much go and I thought I'd never be able to do it but, I ended up gaining so much in the end. Recovery is worth it <3
