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Kimambo History Of Tanzania Pdf Download renfil


kimambo history of tanzania pdf download

kimambo history of tanzania pdf download kimambo history of tanzania pdf download kimambo history of tanzania pdf download kimambo history of tanzania pdf download kimambo history of tanzania pdf download Category:Tanzanian writers Category:Living people Category:Year of birth missing (living people)Q: XElement vs XDocument when reading xml document using the XmlSerializer I have a set of xml files that I am reading using the XmlSerializer, which has always worked fine for me. In a recent project, I came across a node that I wanted to be able to retrieve, but the structure of the file has changed so that I no longer have a name for it. When deserializing the XML I get a XmlException: The type 'NameOfClass' could not be found. When I change the code to use XElement instead, the deserialization fails when it gets to the node I want, giving a type error when I try to Deserialize. If I use XElement and use the XmlIgnore attribute, the exception is thrown at the same node, but the exception is slightly different. "The type XElement' cannot be used as type NameOfClass' in the generic type or method 'Serialize(XElement, XmlSerializerSettings)'" It appears to be trying to serialize the XElement, and I cannot find any way to suppress the serialization. What am I doing wrong? The new structure of the file is very simple. The code I am using is [Serializable] [XmlRoot("root")] public class MyClass { [XmlElement] public List name = new List(); [XmlElement] public List other = new List(); [XmlElement("NameOfClass")] public string[] MyClassName { get; set; } [X

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